Exclusive Networking Invite: US$100m investment fund 2.8x return within 12 months

Highlights: Sharing session by Douglas Gan. Captivating magic performance by David Lai. The “Suckling Pig” crispy skin contrasted beautifully with the tender milk. The Kawkki Chicken selection brought a spectrum of flavors. The refined taste of Bunnahabhian 30 years.

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Networking Like Never Before 

The evening commenced with a captivating magic performance by none other than David Lai, a magician recognized as one of the Top 10 Magicians in Malaysia. His memory poker card act left the audience in awe, setting the tone for a night filled with surprises and wonder. 

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But this event was more than just entertainment; it was a hub for meaningful conversations. Throughout dinner, the air was filled with the sound of smiles and laughter, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and connection. It’s not just a networking event; it’s an opportunity to forge bonds and create lasting connections.

Unique Experiences on YouApp
Unique Experiences on YouApp

Personality Host of the Night

The highlight of the evening was the sharing session by Douglas Gan. His story is nothing short of remarkable, as he delved into his journey of achieving a staggering 2.8x return on a US$100 million investment fund within just 12 months. His insights and strategies are a treasure trove of knowledge for all present, making this evening not just a social gathering but a learning opportunity of immense value.

Suckling Pig

Dining Experience

The dining experience is a journey in itself. It commences with the Roasted Suckling Pig, where each bite offers a harmonious blend of savory and slightly sweet notes. The crispy skin contrasts beautifully with the tender meat, creating a sensory delight. The Kawkki Chicken selection brings the fire of Korean Flaming Chicken to the table, with flavors ranging from spicy red to cheesy yellow and refreshing lemon green. To complement the meal, guests are treated to the refined taste of Bunnahabhain 30 years, a beverage choice that complements the gourmet offerings perfectly.

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