Elsa: A Well-Known Singer in XHS “海底捞小姐姐“

Highlights: YOUHost Singer on YouApp – Elsa. Well-known singer in Xiaohongshu. Initial struggles with shyness and how she overcame it. Emphasizes her dedication to honing her singing talents.

YOUHost Singer on YouApp - Elsa
Believing that music is not about the talent, but the connection it makes, Elsa sings to inspire.

Music is not just about how the people feel but it’s also the expression of the singer or producer. Elsa Cheong, an aspiring singer believes that at the very heart of any song that she sings is her attempt to bare her heart and soul and connect with her audience better. 

Revered for enchanting her audience on Xiaohongshu, Elsa’s sonorous voice has a special sweetness that captures hearts straightaway. Her performance of “好想你” from Joyce Chu has been one such stellar rendering, striking a chord with listeners at FLO Millerz Square.

How Moving Lyrics Touched Elsa’s Heart And Gave Her A Reason To Sing

Elsa was no stranger to the power of a melody. Growing up, she would usually travel back to her hometown with her mother and along the way, her mother would put on a playlist of the songs she loved. Of the many artists, the one that stood out the most to Elsa was the Taiwanese singer and musician, Jay Chou. Her mother was a fan of his music, and she would put a few of his songs into her playlist. More than just the songs that she would listen to, Elsa was mostly moved by his lyrical talent.

While Elsa does indulge in other more mellow Mandarin ballads, she particularly connected with the powerful lyrics that Jay Chou embodies in his songs. And that was how she was smitten, and realized that this is something she wanted to be – a singer.

Credit: 馬來西亞檳城娜娜 (XHS)

A Little Encouragement Goes A Long Way

Her dreams of one day being a renown singer was put to pause when she was met with one obstacle: her shyness in performing to an audience. That alone had emboldened her to post some of the recordings of her singing online. While initially nervous, the odds were in her favor as people took a liking to her vocal talents and showed her the support to keep doing her thing. More than just the flattery, she was happy to know that the songs she sang were able to connect with them. While it may not mean much to more successful singers out there, this was sort of its own accomplishment to her.

Elsa, a well-known singer in Xiaohongshu, often performs at the Haidilao restaurant located in IOI Puchong, Malaysia. Her affable personality and captivating voice have charmed the customers, creating a delightful and memorable dining experience. 

Elsa's YouApp profile
Elsa's YouApp profile

Interested in knowing more about where Elsa will be showcasing her talent next, or to have her be your host for an unforgettable experience? Check Elsa‘s profile now and get connected!

Penny Wong: Coach of 200 Rising Stars

Highlights: YOUHost Singer on YouApp – Penny. Coach of 200 Rising Stars. A live band vocalist performed as a solo singer for the first time. Began her journey as a content creator.

Penny Singing on the Stage
Penny, a talented singer, serenades her audience with her soulful voice

Penny has always been one to wear many hats with poise and finesse. Penny, a talented artist with a flair for singing, dancing, and performing, has carved a name for herself on YouApp’s platform by singing Cupid by Fifty Fifty at CHAO Hotpot Bar, captivating audiences with her exceptional talents.

A Mother’s Love, A Daughter Journey

For Penny, it was her mother’s unwavering support and enthusiasm for her singing that paved the way for her musical journey. Her mother would attentively listen to her sing, offering feedback on areas that Penny could focus on and advance further. As more and more compliments came her way, Penny’s confidence soared, encouraging her to dive deeper into the world of music and performance.

Penny performing on stage
Penny performing on stage.
Penny captivating the audience with her live performance.

A Leader and A Performer

Throughout her musical journey, Penny has achieved numerous accolades that reflect her dedication and talent. As a coach of 200 rising stars, she excelled in leadership roles, taking charge of music clubs in both high school and university. Being entrusted with the responsibility of leading fellow music enthusiasts is a testament to her exceptional abilities and passion for the art.

Penny’s evolution as a performer is evident in her diverse range of experiences. She has graced the stage at various events, from captivating concerts to lively public fairs and competitive music competitions. Each performance was an opportunity for Penny to showcase her skills and connect with her audience on a profound level.

Showcasing Talent through Content Creation

Driven by a desire to share her talents with an even wider audience, Penny is now embarking on a new chapter as a social media content creator. Leveraging her unique blend of singing, dancing, and performing skills, she aspires to create captivating music-related videos that not only showcase her remarkable talent but also leave viewers inspired and invigorated.

Through her online presence, Penny invites you to take a front-row seat in her evolving journey. She is not just an artist but a storyteller, using her creativity to weave narratives through music and performance. Penny’s content promises to be a source of joy, inspiration, and connection, inviting you to join her on this exciting ride!

Penny's YouApp profile
Penny YouApp profile

Interested in knowing more about where Penny will be showcasing her talent next, or to have her be your host for an unforgettable experience? Check Penny’s profile now and get connected!

Koben: An Indian-Filipino Malaysian Man Born To Croon Chinese Hits

Highlights: YOUHost Singer on YouApp – Koben. An Indian-Filipino sings Chinese song. Awards and music debut. Covers Mandopop and ballad.

Koben, a talented Indian-Filipino singer, serenades his audience with his soulful voice.
Bubbly, romantic and all-around ray of sunshine, Koben brings on the love with every song he sings.

As a country built on the heritage of multiple cultures, Malaysia is no stranger to the concept of being a nation with a melting pot of cultures. One such gem comes in the form of Kobeneswaren A/L Tanggaraju, an Indian-Filipino man gifted with a sultry voice and a passion for singing Chinese songs. 

One of his standout performances includes a stunning rendition of a beautiful ballad by Hua Chenyu, which took place at the enchanting FLO Millerz Square. Koben’s ability to bridge cultures through his music is a testament to the power of his talent and the universal language of melody.

No Better Inspiration Than That of A Mother’s Love

Koben was introduced to the mesmerizing world of music at the tender age of 6, having listened to his mother singing while she was making lunch for him and his family. He was instantly smitten by the lyrical powers of songs and naturally, he decided to emulate her. Within the same year, he had expressed interest in participating in a singing competition at his kindergarten. Having performed really well due to his natural talent for music, he was awarded a trophy for his accomplishment, and this spurred his interest in the art even further.

While his passion for singing grew in momentum, his pursuit of musical glory came to a halt at the age of 13. With the decline in his mother’s health, he was disheartened to continue his passion for music and chose to spend time with her, caring for her and tending to her every need. Even so, she had been supportive of his passion to be a singer and continued to encourage him to hone his talent throughout the whole time he was caring for her.

Koben proudly holding his championship trophy.
Koben captivates the audience with his melodious voice.

During the final year of his secondary education, his school held a singing competition. With his mother’s blessing and words of motivation, he decided to participate. Exceeding his expectations, his talent won him the championship title for both the solo and duet categories. After the competition, his excitement was cut short upon returning to the news that his mother had passed. Recalling his mother’s last words and wanting to honor her, his passion for singing was reignited.

Of Awards and Music Video Debut: He Continues To Shine

His efforts proved worthy of the accolades and recognition he has garnered over the years. From being the semi-finalist of the 小太阳Astro 孩子王 singing competition to being a finalist for the Dream Factory Talent Competition, he was even featured in several music videos produced as part of the ongoing media of some of the competitions.

No matter how big or small the obstacle he has to face, he will never give up on pursuing his passion and is trailblazing his way to continue refining his talent to dazzle his crowd with his vocal prowess.

Koben YouApp profile

Interested in knowing more about where Koben will be showcasing his talent next, or to have him be your host for an unforgettable experience? Check Koben’s profile now and get connected!

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